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Status Parameters (Payroll Tab)View the next screen based on the program's menu orderView the previous screen based on the program's menu order

This screen is used to define the status settings required for each employee in the payroll. You can use the various features to add and define settings for new employees or to review or change settings for existing employees. Each row represents a distinct employee and can be accessed individually, or groups of employees can be selected for batch functions.

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Common Buttons

Visit the Button Descriptions help page to view detailed descriptions of each button that appears on your screen (whether in the Button Bar at the top of the table, or in the table itself). Note: If a button is unavailable (i.e. its text appears in Gray), either the command is not applicable to the current screen, or its function has already been applied (e.g. you clicked the New button for an item that can only be added one time).

Sample command buttons

The following section of this help page describes the various columns that can appear in the main table on this screen. If you see a column description below that does not appear on your screen, you can add the column to your view by using the Customize option under the Views button (located at the left side of the screen just above the table). Refer to the Customize View help page for more help on this feature.


This button allows you to view a list of changes that have been made to the current item. Choosing the button opens the Audit History window where item changes are shown in colored text. Note: Audit History is a developing feature and subject to updates as new functionality is added.


This cell displays the company division to which this employee is assigned. The items in the drop-down list can be viewed or edited from the Employer tab's Company - Divisions page.

Help page icon for divisions View the Divisions help page to learn more about this feature
Tutorial icon for divisions View a step-by-step tutorial on this feature

Employee No.

This cell displays the unique number that identifies the employee in this payroll. Alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers) may be used. e.g. 001, or MGM001.

Given Name

Use this cell to enter the employee's first name (also referred to "given name" or "personal name"). For example, John Smith's given name is "John". The cell supports special characters - e.g. María-Jose or Günther.


Use this cell to specify the language that will be used for each employee for various reports and pay stubs they will receive. Currently, the program supports Canada's two official languages: English and French. Editing the cell displays a drop-down list with the following three options:

Refer to the Options help page for more information on this feature.

Last Rehire

Use this cell to specify the most recent date on which the current employee returned to employment after a work separation (e.g. termination, quitting, layed off, etc.). A transfer from one department to another would not apply. You may either enter a date in the field provided using the mmm/dd/yyyy format (e.g. if the date is August 31, 2018, you would enter Aug/31/2018. You can also enter a date by selecting the Calendar icon and choosing a date from the pop-up window that appears.


Use this cell to specify the employee's job designation, such as receptionist, shipper, mechanic, etc. This designation can be used in various reports.

ROE Reason Code

Use this cell to specify the reason for the interruption of earnings. Note: The options listed here are the base codes for each reason, and can be further edited once you have uploaded the ROE to the Service Canada website. The items in the drop-down list are:

Tutorial on ROEs in eNETEmployer View a step-by-step tutorial on how to create an ROE

Start Date

Use this cell to specify the date that the employee started working for the company. You may either enter a date in the cell using the mmm/dd/yyyy format (e.g. if the date is August 31, 2018, you would enter Aug/31/2018). You can also specify a date by selecting the Calendar icon and choosing a date from the pop-up window that appears.

This date is used for administrative purposes, and is important for accurate ROE reporting.

Note: This date will typically not change, even in the event that an employee leaves and then returns to work. In such a case, you would enter the employee's rehire date into the Last Rehire cell.


Use this cell to specify the status of the employee in the payroll. The options are:

Status Considerations - The following items should be considered if you use the Payroll module in conjunction with the HR module and/or the Employer modules:

  • Hidden Employees - If an employee is set to either the Terminated, On Leave, or Deleted status, they will only be visible in the Payroll module's Employee - Status Parameters screen (because you need a way of "reactivating" an employee should they return to work). Hiding inactive payroll employees offers an uncluttered view where you only see employees who are being actively managed. However, employees of all statuses will always be visible in both the HR and Employer modules because both of these modules display all employees that reside in your Employee Database.Note: If you wish to display all employees in the Payroll module regardless of their status, you can open the User - Options screen and place a check in the Show All Employees box.
  • Inactive Employees in the Payroll Module- If an employee is set to either the Terminated, On Leave, or Deleted status in the Payroll module, their status in the HR or Employer modules will remain unchanged. This is because an employee may be "inactive" in a given payroll, but still part of the company from an HR perspective. Setting their status in the HR or Employer module has no effect on their status in the Payroll module.

Help page icon for employee status View the Status Parameters help page to learn more about this feature
Tutorial icon for employee status parameters View a step-by-step tutorial on this feature


Use this cell to enter the employee's surname (also referred to "family name or "last name"). For example, John Smith's surname would be entered as Smith. You can also enter surname prefixes for employee names that require one. For example, John Van Houton's surname would be entered as Van Houten. The cell also supports special characters - e.g. O'Leary or Elkjærd.


Use this cell to specify the last day for which the employee was paid. This is typically the last day that they worked (when terminated, going on leave, etc.) You may either enter a date in the field provided using the mmm/dd/yyyy format (e.g. if the date is August 31, 2018, you would enter Aug/31/2018. You can also enter a date by selecting the Calendar icon and choosing a date from the pop-up window that appears.

Help page icon for employee status View the Status Parameters help page to learn more about this feature
Tutorial icon for employee status parameters View a step-by-step tutorial on this feature


Use this button to restore an employee that has been deleted from the current payroll. If the button is unavailable, it indicates that the employee is currently active and that the undelete action is not applicable. Note: If you delete an employee from one of the screens under the Payroll tab, the Undelete button will be available to restore the employee if you need to do so. However, if you delete an employee from one of the screens under the Employer tab, the Undelete action will not be available.

See Also:

Other Employee Settings: