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Employee Database

The employee database is the location where all employees are displayed, regardless of their status (e.g. Active, Terminated, On Leave), or to which program module they are assigned (e.g. Payroll, HR).

The employee database can be accessed both from Employer tab's Employee - Setup Employee screen, or the HR tab's Employee HR - Setup Employee screen.

Sharing Employee Information Between Modules - Each employee's general address and birthdate-related information is stored in the Employee Database, and is shared between all program modules. For example, if you change an employee's address in the Payroll module, the change will also be shown in the HR module.

Conversely, employee information that is payroll-specific (Start Date, Tax Province, Pay Rate, etc.) will only be visible in the Payroll module.

Staff become part of the employee database in several ways:

  1. When they are added to any payroll. Once an employee exists in one payroll, they are also displayed in the employee database and are available to be added to other payrolls and to other modules (HR, Scheduling, etc.)
  2. When they are added to either the Employer tab's Employee - Setup Employee screen, or the HR tab's Employee HR - Setup Employee screen. You would typically use this method only if you are "onboarding" employees who will be assigned to a payroll at a later time (i.e. they will not appear in any payroll until they are explicitly imported into one).
    Once an employee is imported into one or more payrolls, the person's non-payroll-related information is shared between the various modules from that point forward (e.g. if you change the employee's address in the Payroll module, the change will also be shown in the HR module). To learn more about importing HR employees into your payroll, refer to the Importing Employees from the Employee Database tutorial for more details.

See Also