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Calculation Review Report

This report displays a list of exceptions/warnings that were encountered during the payroll calculation. None of the exceptions will prevent the payroll from being calculated, but you may wish to review and correct each item before finalizing the payroll.

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Section 1: Payroll Details

The top rows of the report displays the Payroll Name and Company Name as defined in the various setup screens when the payroll was created. Further details for the current pay period include:

Section 2: Calculation Exceptions

This section of the report displays (on a per-employee basis) any exceptions/warnings that were encountered during the payroll calculation. Possible exceptions include:

Additional Program Warnings - The preceding items are verified during the payroll calculation and reviewing these warnings will help to ensure that your payroll is calculated correctly. for a complete list of program warning and error messages, please visit our Program Warnings and Messages help page.

Section 3: Period Totals

This section of the report displays basic information about the current period totals.

See Also