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Creating Multiple Self-Service User Accounts

Self-Service Account Overview - If you wish to learn more about employee self-service user accounts, refer to the Employee Self Service Accounts Overview before proceeding with this tutorial.

eNETEmployer allows administrators to create employee self-service user accounts for all employees who exist in a payroll. Accounts can be created one at a time, or for all employees at the same time.

The following tutorial discusses how to create these accounts at the same time, and how to set various user options. Click Here to learn how to create self-service user accounts for one employee only.

Note: Self-Service users accounts can only be created for an employee if they have a valid email address.

Managing User Logins - Companies who manage their own payroll are responsible for working with employees who need assistance with their individual self-service user accounts. Since each employee will receive an automated greeting when their account is created, we recommend that you notify your staff of this forthcoming email before you create their user accounts. You may even include links to the employee-related tutorials so that they are prepared for their first login.

NOTE: Click on an image below to view it at full size.

To Create Self-Service User Accounts for Multiple Employees

Note: Employee self-service user accounts can be created from three different program screens; the Employer tab's Users screen, the Payroll tab's Employee - Setup Employees screen, and the HR tab's Employee - Setup Employee screen. The accounts are created for employees with varying statuses, depending on the screen on which the button is chosen:

Note: The following section will discuss how to create the employee user accounts from the Payroll tab's Setup Employee screen.

  1. From the Payroll tab, open the Admin - Users screen, and then select the Create Employee User Accounts button. This displays a message stating that all of the visible employees on this screen (that have valid email addresses) will receive their login credentials by email.
  2. Fig. 01: A pop-up message prompts you to confirm that you want to send email to all of the employees.
    Fig. 01: A pop-up message prompts you to confirm that you want to send email to all of the employees.
  3. Select the Create button to proceed. This action creates an employee self-service user account for all employees who have a valid email address (as assigned in the Payroll tab's Employee - Setup Employees screen).
    As the accounts are created, the employees are sent an email containing their unique login credentials (i.e. User Name and Password). Note: If an employee does not have an email address assigned, a user account will not be created for them.
    Example: In Fig. 02 below, our sample employee has received an email that contains his eNETEmployer login credentials.
  4. Fig. 02: Each employees receives an email containing their unique User Name and Password.
    Fig. 02: Each employees receives an email containing their unique User Name and Password.

    Now we will view the user accounts that have been created for each employee.

  5. From the Employer tab, open choose the Admin - Users screen where you can see the employee self-service accounts that have been created for your employees. Employee self-service accounts are designated as "Employee" in the Privileges column.
    Example: In Fig. 03 below, we have highlighted the self-service accounts for 5 employees.
    Fig. 03: User accounts have been created for all five sample payroll employees.
    Fig. 03: User accounts have been created for all five sample payroll employees.

    This screen displays each of the users associated with your payroll account, and also allows you to perform the following actions:

    • Reset the password for user accounts.
    • Enable or disable user accounts.
    • Add or delete user accounts.
    • Change the privileges for a user account.
    • Force users to change their account password.

    We will continue with this tutorial and prompt our employees to change their password the next time that they log into the program.

  6. Choose the Edit All button to activate Edit Mode for each user's row, move to the Require Change Password column, then place a check in the box for each of your new employee user accounts.
    Example: In Fig. 04 below, We have activated the Require Change Password feature for each of our employee user accounts.
    Fig. 04: Activating the Require Change Password box for all each employee user account.
    Fig. 04: Activating the Require Change Password box for all each employee user account.
  7. Once your changes are complete, choose the Accept All button from the button bar to accept the changes for all of the active rows (you can also choose the Save button to perform the same action if you want to leave the rows open for editing).
    The next time the employee logs into eNETEmployer, they will be required to replace their original temporary password with one of their own choosing.

    This completes the tutorial on creating employee self-service user accounts for multiple employees.

    Creating Self-Service Accounts for a Single Employee - If you wish to learn how to create employee self-service user account for a single employee, refer to the Creating a Self-Service Account for an Employee tutorial.

See Also

