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Record of Employment (ROE)

This report provides a preview of the data required by the CRA to determine whether the employee qualifies for Employment Insurance (EI) benefits, how much he/she will receive, and the length of time the benefits will be paid. A Record of Employment (ROE) must be issued by employers within five calendar days after an employee’s interruption of earnings or the day the employer becomes aware of the interruption.

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Note: This printable report does not contain a serial number, therefore cannot be submitted to Service Canada as part of the ROE process. However, you can use it for basic record keeping, as a template if you plan to manually enter the details into ROEWeb, or to preview the data before creating the ROEWeb file.

Pay Period History: eNETEmployer records pay history only for periods in which your employees have been calculated in our system. Previous pay history can be entered directly on the Service Canada website after you have uploaded your eNETEmployer XML file.

Record of Employment Form Block Descriptions

All blocks below marked with a Red asterisk (*) are populated by eNETEmployer. The remaining blocks can be filled in manually as needed, if you are filing a paper ROE.

Block 1, Serial number - This block contains the ROE's Serial Number (required by Service Canada for all ROEs). Since this report is for review purposes only, this block is redundant.

Block 2, Serial number - This block contains the ROE's amended Serial Number (if you are issuing an amended ROE). Since this report is for review purposes only, this block is redundant.

* Block 3, Employer's payroll reference number - This block shows the employee's Employee Number.

* Block 4, Employer's name and address - This block shows the employer's Name and Address.

* Block 5, CRA Business Number (Payroll Account Number) - This block shows the employer's CRA Business Number.

* Block 6, Pay period type - This block shows the pay period's Pay Type.

* Block 7, Employer's postal code - This block shows the employer's Postal Code.

* Block 8, Employee's Social Insurance Number - This block shows the employee's nine-digit Social Insurance Number (SIN).

* Block 9, Employee's name and address - This block shows the employee's Name (first name and initials, followed by the family name), and the employee's mailing Address.

* Block 10, First day worked - This block shows the employee's first day of work for which he or she received insurable earnings. If you have previously issued an ROE for that employee, the date in Block 10 should be the first day the employee worked after the last interruption of earnings (that is, since the last ROE was issued).

* Block 11, Last day for which paid - This block shows the last day for which the employee received insurable earnings. This date usually coincides with the last day of work; however, in some cases, employees continue to receive insurable earnings after their last day of work. This occurs with paid leave, such as vacation or sick leave, earned days off, or salary continuance.

* Block 12, Final pay period ending date - This block shows the end date of the final pay period that includes the date in Block 11. The date in Block 11 and the date in Block 12 will usually be different dates, except when the employee's last day paid corresponds to the last day of the pay period. Note that the date in Block 12 can never be earlier than the date in Block 11.

Block 13, Occupation (optional) - This block is used to enter an accurate description of the employee's main occupation.

Block 14, Expected date of recall (optional) - This block can be used to enter the employee's expected return-to-work date (if it is known). If you do not know the return date, check the "Unknown" box. If the employee will not be returning to work, check the "Not returning" box.

* Block 15A, Total insurable hours - This block shows the employee's Total Insurable Hours.

* Block 15B, Total insurable earnings - This block shows the employee's Total Insurable Earnings.

* Block 15C, Insurable earnings by pay period - This block shows the employee's Total Insurable Earnings for each of the last 27 pay periods.

* Block 16, Reason for issuing this ROE - This block shows the Reason Code for which the ROE was issued. The code listed here is the "base" code, and can be further edited once you have uploaded the ROE to the Service Canada website.

Block 17, Separation payments - This block is used to report all payments or benefits other than regular pay that the employer has paid or will pay to the employee because of the separation.

Block 17A, Vacation pay - This block can be used to enter any Vacation Pay the employer has paid or will pay to the employee because of the separation.

Block 17B, Statutory holiday pay - This block can be used to enter Statutory Holiday Pay and the dates to which they apply.

Block 17C, Other monies - This block can be used to enter any other payments or benefits other than vacation pay (Block 17A) or statutory holiday pay (Block 17B) that the employer has paid or will pay to the employee because of the separation.

Block 18, Comments - This block is used to enter any specific details about exceptional circumstances you would like to communicate to Service Canada to help clarify the information on the ROE.

Block 19, Paid sick/maternity/parental/compassionate care/Family Caregiver leave or group wage loss indemnity payment - This block is used to report any insurable sick leave, maternity leave, parental leave, compassionate care leave, Family Caregiver leave or group wage-loss insurance payments from the employer, or if the employee is receiving any group wage-loss indemnity plan payments from a third party.

Block 20, Language - This block indicates whether the employer prefers to communicate in English or French.

Block 21, Telephone number of issuer - This block is used to enter the full 10-digit Telephone Number of the person who is able to answer questions from Service Canada about the information entered on the ROE.

Block 22, Certification - This block can be used to enter the name of the person who is completing the ROE, and who certifies that the information on the ROE is correct.

See Also